Selasa, 25 Desember 2007

This is BLINK-182
The greatest punk band ever!!!!!!!!!!
look at this scene.....
this picture taken when they released their amazing song. D'u know what song is it?????
yeah..." What's my age again "....
blink 182 consist of 3 f***ing guys.

They are :
1. Mark Hoppus ( bass )
2. Tom Delonge ( guitar )
3. T-ravis Barker ( drum )

If I think about blink 182, I begin sad again...of course all of you know that there is no blink anymore. Mark and Travis have made a new band. they named it "+44". And Tom also has made a new band. the band name is " Angels and Airwaves".
The last sadness is...
they said that they won't be back together like used to be...
oh my god.........
the greatest band has faded away.........


My Beautiful Singer

This is my favourite singer.Her name is Cindy Carolina Sibarani. She graduated from fantasy academic several years ago. Why do I like her?
There are some reasons why I like her.
1. She has a high quality vocal
2. She is beautiful
3. She has a long hair
4. She is very kind
5. She won't be my wife
1st time I saw her, she was the most beautiful girl that I have ever seen...he......
CINDY, if u were here, I'll get down on my knees for you!!!!!!!!!
just kidding...
Jetzt habe ich ein freundinn..
Sie ist schon auch
und Sie ist hubsch als Cindy..
I hope she knows what I write here...
dank u well!


let us continue our german lesson.
6 = zechs
7 =sieben
8 =acht
9 =neun
what =was
where =woher
when =wenn
who =wer
how =wie
why= warum
I =ich
you = du
we = wir
they = sie
she = Sie
he = er
how are you = wie geht es dir
I am fine = es geht mir gut
Untuk menulis kata sifat, pola penulisannya hampir seperti bahasa Inggris.
-I am happy = ich bin glucklich
-you are tired = du bist mude
-she is beautiful = Sie ist schon
-he is hungry = er ist hungrig

semoga bermanfaat.......
englisch ist einfach, deshalb deutsch ist einfach....

Sabtu, 22 Desember 2007

Let's try to study German.
German language = deutsch ( u must say doitsch )
Good morning = Guten Morgen
Good afternoon = Guten Tag
Good Night = Guten Abend
Now we will try to say some numbers in german.
1 = Eins
2 = zwei
3 = drei
4 = viir
5 = funf
OK I think that's enough for today.....
aufwiedersehen = good bye


Meinem mutter in January 2007..................ich denke dass sie ist schon....ahahahaha........

Ich bin ein Hitler Jungend


I've made my blog this morning

yesterday mt father asked me to do this, but yesterday, I have no time anymore.....

it's OK...

making a blog is a very simple activity, y mind, I want to make a better blog than my father's..

oh ya, I wanna say that I'm the son of Hitler.......

why do I say like that???????? because I like him and I love him so much

if he were still alive, I'm sure that I am going to dedicate my life to NAZI in germany...

that's why, everytime I play with internet, the first time I Hitler's video........

it's capable of burning me..

it makes me better..................

SIEG HEIL!!!!!!!!

SEIG HEIL!!!!!!!!
SIEG HEIL!!!!!!!!!!

sieg heil

sieg heil

sieg heil


for my father, thanks for all...u're much more better than me in this things, but, I guarantee to you that..I will be much more SMARTER than you several years later.......DON'T FORGET THAT.....

hahahaha..I haven't forgotten my hope in the past. I actually want to be a president after growing up. I want to increase the prosperity i Indonesia. I don't want to see some Indonesian get suffer and's pity..

so that, don't forget to elect me in the president election 2030.....OK!!!!!!!!!!!